Monday, October 22, 2012

3 years old!

Guess who just turned three!
We had fun celebrating Dawson the week of his birthday.
We started off the day with a Phineas and Ferb birthday card.
It had an inflatable guitar inside!

Then we opened a few presents.
Here he is with some new cars to add to his ever growing collection.

He loved the batman balloons hanging from his door.

Then it was off to IHOP for one of (if not) his favorite meals - PANCAKES!
(We were too busy eating to pose for pictures.)

Of course I had to do a test run of the cupcakes I would be making on
Sunday for his birthday lunch.
They became our after dinner treat. 

  Blow out your candles!

Time for bed, birthday boy.

bedtime story with daddy.
Sunday came...
now to celebrate with friends!

His repeated request was for a Batman cake.
Simple and relatively easy.
I just printed out the batman symbol and traced it on top of
some black (pre made) fondant.
Add his batman figurine to homemade yellow icing...
Wah lah!
A batman cake.
And I must say, it tasted quite amazing!
Chocolate Applesauce Cake with Butter Cream Cheese Icing.
oh. my. goodness.
Sooo yummy!

Kind of looks like batman is trudging through yellow snow, huh?
But hey, Dawson loved it and it tasted good.
Isn't that what counts?

I had a fun week celebrating you,
My first born.
I love you, sweet boy.
You have changed my life forever.
I love your sensitive heart,
your huge smile,
and those sweet curls.

So thankful for your life.
Thankful to be your mommy.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

in between.

oh my goodness.
it's been too long since i last posted.
the little man's arrival has been quite an adjustment
and just now we are getting into some kind of routine.
(well, more or less.)

but in between
the feedings
and cooking,
and cleaning up messes,
and just being with my boys,
i've managed to capture a few
moments with them.

here's a morning with some play dough.

his "tower"... that he is also slicing in two.
we've been
watching little brother
do new things.
like roll over.
and coo and babble.
and punch animals dangling from his activity mat.
here he is
on his 2 month old birthday.

sept 25.
we took a road trip to see my sweet sister
and celebrate the birth of her own little one.

my mom, my sister and liam.
we've partied when daddy is home.
those times are our favorites of the day.
there is always a sigh of relief when
we hear the door open and we see his face.
he's our super hero.
his special power is saving us me from our busyness
and task mode.
i confess, i resist often
and see his presence a lot of times as a way to 
actually get MORE things done.

but on the days that i actually stop
and make the most of him being with us,
i get to capture moments like this:

so thankful for those 
"in between" moments.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

slip slidin' away

slip n slide.
i wanted one sooo badly as a kid.
but, my brother, sister and i had to get creative.
we decided to make our own.
we called it the rotten banana.
our knock off version of the wet banana*.
(*link to must see commercial)
ours was made out of a black tarp.
just add some running water.
perfect fun.

my husband and his coworkers
recently conjured up their own version of the slip n slide
during freshmen orientation week 
at berry.

it really outdid any
i've ever seen.

over 200 feet of slipin' and slidin'.
not to mention downhill.

there was also the "kiddie slope".
 for those less adventurous.
or rather, those who didn't want to wait in the mammoth line above.

and guess who wanted to go down.
(with some encouragement from his daddy.)

 getting ready.

and, they're off.

look at him go.

 his hands a little higher than before.

so secure with his daddy holding onto him.

enjoying every second.

i haven't been able to get these images
out of my head.
i can't help but think how
these pictures of my son and his daddy
call me to something greater.
or rather, someOne.

that i would live
with arms up and hands open.
surrendered and trusting
that He is with me.
His right arm around me.
that i would live in the moment.
and not try to control every moment, 
grasping for some sort of self preservation.

that i could stop trying to arrange my life
to avoid inevitable slips and slides.
deviations from my plan.
but to accept His invitation to experience 
them with Him.
the enjoyable and not so enjoyable.
arms up and hands open.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Newborn Shoot with Caiden...Sort of

i had my heart set on doing
 an "official" newborn shoot with caiden.
and then time got away from me.

the other men in my life needed me.
laundry got dirty.
dishes began to pile.
sleep was required.

life happened.

but i did manage to squeeze in a few sweet moments
in front of the camera.

like these.

and then there were flowers
i didn't have to pick.
to go along with the meals
i didn't have to cook.*

that allowed me to catch my breath 
and capture more moments like this.

to enjoy this little one.

with his tiny lashes.

and tiny hands.

tiny expressions.

and tiny feet. 

 tiny gazes.

that melt my heart.

but i must say,
(and i think i speak for all moms)
 tiny rests are the best.

special thanks to our church community
for reaching out 
and helping all of us squeeze in a few
more (much needed) tiny rests.