Saturday, October 20, 2012

in between.

oh my goodness.
it's been too long since i last posted.
the little man's arrival has been quite an adjustment
and just now we are getting into some kind of routine.
(well, more or less.)

but in between
the feedings
and cooking,
and cleaning up messes,
and just being with my boys,
i've managed to capture a few
moments with them.

here's a morning with some play dough.

his "tower"... that he is also slicing in two.
we've been
watching little brother
do new things.
like roll over.
and coo and babble.
and punch animals dangling from his activity mat.
here he is
on his 2 month old birthday.

sept 25.
we took a road trip to see my sweet sister
and celebrate the birth of her own little one.

my mom, my sister and liam.
we've partied when daddy is home.
those times are our favorites of the day.
there is always a sigh of relief when
we hear the door open and we see his face.
he's our super hero.
his special power is saving us me from our busyness
and task mode.
i confess, i resist often
and see his presence a lot of times as a way to 
actually get MORE things done.

but on the days that i actually stop
and make the most of him being with us,
i get to capture moments like this:

so thankful for those 
"in between" moments.

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