my parents.
they've been together a long time.
41 years today.
and that's just counting the years they've been married.
the picture below is from when they were dating
in high school.
before they got married.
my dad looks so proud
to be beside her.
not much has changed.
he's still so proud to call her his wife.
there have been lots of good times.
i know there have been trials, too.
what marriage isn't full of them?
but, they've come so far
and accomplished so much together.
so much more than they would have ever accomplished
going it alone.
i am so thankful for God's faithfulness to them
and their faithfulness to one another.
he just keeps on giving and multiplying through them.
"...all because two people fell in love."
happy anniversary, mama and daddy.
happy anniversary, mama and daddy.
love you.