Sunday, July 1, 2012

a father's day gift

anselmo loves this game.
me, not so much.
i'm not very strategic.
i'm sure i could learn.
yeah, um, maybe if i had started at dawson's age.

my little man just wants to put the pieces back in their place.

perfect fit.

 now. here's a game more on my level.

oh my goodness.
i just love watching his little mind
at work. 

he's got a lot to figure out.
but, i'm sure with such a wonderful daddy,
he'll be just fine.

love you, babe.
can't wait for our next one to meet you
and be loved by you.


  1. Michelle - what a beautiful blog. My favorite blogs have beautiful photos that visually tell a story. Yours just got added to that list. Thankful for this way to watch your family grow.

  2. Oh my gosh!! Beautiful is all I can say! Wonderful photos and thoughts....
